Thursday, October 25, 2012

A place for everything and everything in it's place...

Well, it's taken me a good bunch of weeks, but I've nearly finished my closet overhaul. Close enough that I can show you anyway.

Remember those shoe racks that I wrestled with many months ago? I've finally sorted out my storage systems.

I had to buy another rack (this one is black) in order to get them all put away (placing me well above 100 pair... I feel like I should have had a centennial pair party when I hit that landmark. That's what I get for not paying attention. Alas...) but, they're finally all off the floor and look pretty good!

Check it out:

As you can see, the one on the left is going to need some doctoring soon, it's a little bowed, but, at least for the time being, I'm pretty proud of myself! They take up a full wall in my closet-room (yes, I have a full room dedicated to my wardrobe), but so worth it.

Speaking of my closet! In the same post where I was setting up the first of these racks, I told you that I was in dire need of a new clothing organization system as well, and that was also part of this week's projects!

My fabulous boyfriend, who I have thanked profusely, built me a whole new closet system. I now have a full twelve feet of sturdy hanging space to replace the 3 1/2 flimsy racks that used to house all my hanging clothes.

I haven't finished loading everything in yet, but take a look:

Looks pretty great, no? And, he put a shelf up at the top, so I had a new place to put all my hats! They were previously living on the top shelf in my make-up room (yes, I also have a whole room for hair and make-up), but my little kitty had a really entertaining habit of pulling them all down while I sleep. Now, they're seven feet off the ground, and little kitty paws can't reach them!

This makes getting ready in the morning a dream! What does your closet look like?


  1. oh dear god, how many shoes do you have!? did you breach triple digits yet?

    1. Yes Miss Winnie, I have! I'm around 130 right now, I think. I'm estimating, but each of those racks holds 50 pair, so that looks right...

      And counting ;)
