Friday, March 22, 2013

Shoe or boot? Yes.

When I was in New York, I went to Dolce & Gabbana, because this is one of the things that one does while in New York.

And, while I was there, I saw these:

I love these. They're absolutely beautiful. But, the thing that intrigues me most is that they look similtaneously like boots, and shoes with lace socks. Shoe-boots? Shoots? Bhoes? Who knows?

Because my current budgeting situation did not permit a spontaneous purchase of designer footwear (maybe one day!), I had to leave these lovelies behind, and try to find myself something similar in the land of trickle-down designs. Unfortunately, no luck yet, but I have my eyes peeled.

In the meantime, I did pick up a pair of booties that are sort of similar, and yet very different.

These are by Report, though I picked them up at Goodwill, land of bargains and (apparently) tasty footwear. I like that the patent pieces look like a cut-out pump, but the matte leather between bridges the gap to beautiful booties!

So, to answer the age-old question: Is it a shoe, or a boot? Yes.

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