Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Sometimes I wear flats, sometimes I wear heels, sometimes I wear nothing at all?

Something strange has happened today. I'm not wearing shoes.

It sounds ridiculous, I know, and so out of character, but there's a reason.

I forgot them. I ran out the door this morning without the heels I had carefully selected for the day.

And, I can't wear my rainboots all day, because they don't breathe, and there's nothing worse than sitting at your desk all day with clammy feet.

So, here is what is on my feet today:

Sometimes, it's good to give your feet a day to breathe, relax and destress. I put mine through some serious hoops sometimes in the name of fashion, and it's actually really good for your posture to wander about barefoot every-so-often.

So, there you have it. Stocking feet on Wednesday morning. At work.

If there's a fire today, I'm screwed.


  1. Awesome. Thats a trend I could follow happily :-)

    1. As important as shoes are to me, I definitely recognize the need for and value of a barefoot day :)
