Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cause it's too cold to go outside and do it. (Or: My online habit)

Well, now that all the excitement of the holidays is over, it's time to get back to the real world.

I had my last day of rest on Tuesday and then the rest of this week was about getting back into the pattern of being back at work (my office is closed for 10 days over Christmas and New Years), and trying to right my sleep pattern. So far, it's been a bit of a losing battle...

But, what better way to pass the time when you're playing the insomniac than to go online window shopping and see what things I could happily have in exchange for maxing out my credit cards.

I'm a bit of a vintage freak, so I like to check out Ebay, because you never know what you'll find (I can look through results for "vintage louboutin" for days). And, while I love vintage styles and details, I don't necessarily need to buy actual vintage shoes, as they're often in rough condition and incredibly narrow, which doesn't suit my feet at all. But, the good news is, by searching for vintage shoes 7 (which is generally my size), I will also get new pieces that are vintage inspired.

For example, I think these are beautiful:

And they're brand new! You can see them (and purchase) here.

I also like to play on,, and (which is actually where I picked up my newest shoe rack, so it's good for more than clothing).

There are always good deals to be had, and things to drool over!

Plus, anything droolworthy that I see, is yet another thing I get to share with you!

What are your favourite online shoe sources?

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