Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tea and snuggles

One of my favourite things about cold weather is that it means it's time to bring my slippers out of retirement. There's nothing more pleasant than curling up on the couch with a cup of tea, a good book, and a pair of snuggly slippers. Especially if it's raining. 

About two months ago, I was on a short roadtrip to my grandparents' house for their 60th anniversary party (I can't even start to process the idea of being alive for 60 years, let alone being married that long! Congrats Gramma and Grampa!) and we needed to make a detour through Bellingham so my mum could pick up a few things. 

Of course, this meant swinging through Kohls, and that was where I found these little darlings:

They're raccoons! And, on sale, if you want a pair... 

I think they're charming. To be honest, I'm not really much of a cutesy person. I don't like hearts and stars on my clothes, I don't really have much use for stuffed animals (although, I do have a few that whose company I enjoy very much), and my iPhone case, while pink, does not have cartoon characters on it. 

The only exception to this rule is sleepwear. I have pyjama pants printed with Spongebob, and slippers that look like raccoons are a-ok in my books! Outside the house, I want to look like a sophisticated adult, but pyjamas always remind me of slumber parties and Christmas morning. Disney princesses belong here. 

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