Thursday, March 22, 2012

What's on someone else's feet: Part one

Recently, we had our first fan submission of 2012! My darling friend, Praise, suggested that I write an entry about the custom-fitted footwear that we both have. I've already shown you mine, but it's been a long, long time, so let's have a little refresher. 

About a year and a half ago, I was working at a company called Vorum Research Corporation, where I did administrative work. The company has a sister company, called Selve, who create custom-fit footwear, for a pretty penny. Being incredibly fortunate, Praise and I were both working at Vorum when Selve asked if we would mind helping them test the new foot scanner they were buying from us, by scanning the legs of all the women in our office, so they could make us each a pair of custom-fit boots. 

Of course, there was no question, we all jumped at the idea. 

Now, the best part about Selve is that you get to "design" your shoes. They have a whole bunch of styles (some more classic, some on trend) and then you choose the heel height, shape, and the colours of all the pieces of the shoe. Six to eight weeks pass and then... Early Christmas presents! 

I went to the site to do some sourcing to write this, and I will admit, I might be in trouble... And, they already have my leg scan... 

Praise's look like this: 

Pretty beautiful, no? And, as I can attest, they fit like a dream. 

Thanks, Praise, for sending me this! I'd love to see more of your shoe wardrobes, by the way! Send me photos and descriptions, I'd love to post them!


  1. Those boots are hot! I want them now! Oh wait I do have them! :P

  2. ohhhh those are a work of ART!!! what size??? address??? boot thief too obvious???

  3. Oh man those look devine! i wish i could afford them. and im digging that strap-tie design in the back instead of front. :)

  4. Do you usually serve as an author just for your site or you do that for some other online or offline resources?
