Ok, so remember in my post-pedi rant, I was talking about how every girl should have a pair of flip-flops? Well, these are my current pair:

As you can see, my beautiful pedi is LOOONNGGG gone, and I've been to the beach a few times this summer... Well, and Vegas. Lots of tanning going on (I promise, this is the last year that I laze about in the sun, walking that fine line between gloriously golden and, as we've lovingly dubbed the shade of pink our good friend Seanie turns in the sun, cotton candy pink. Well, until I change my mind next year.).
Anyways, these BEAUTS (I actually think they're some of the ugliest shoes I own...) came into my life the morning after a pool party we went to out at a friend's place in Cloverdale. Of course, being the ridiculous glamazon that I am, heels were worn (you'll see them soon, I promise). Yes, yes, I wore heels to a pool party, don't judge, just be jealous. Continuing on! The next morning, my DARLING friend Miss Annie and I went out to Metrotown to do a little shopping, and I decided that flipflops were in order! So, we went to a dollar store (of all places to buy shoes, I knowwww!!) and these guys were stuck in a shelf somewhere obscure (I think they were with the birthday crowns and Disney princess plates. It doesn't make sense to me either) and when I scooped them up and put them on my feet, they were just my size! 30 seconds after I had de-tagged them and stowed my heels, we walked around the corner to see a HUGE wall of flipflops just like them, but these ones are lucky. I think.
Well, that was a frightfully convoluted story, but here's the scoop on my flippy-floppies. They're made out of the same material as Crocs (ew, I hate Crocs) so, they're SUPER comfy. In fact, they're the BEST shoes to slip into after a LONG night of dancing (read: drinking) cause they also have killer arch support and massage your poor lil tootsies while you walk. I'm the kinda girl who dances to the point that she can't walk the next morning, and these guys have saved me. Often.
And, for 2$, how can you lose? ;)