Friday, March 9, 2012

The bee's knees.

About 2 weeks ago, my mum and I did a mass hosiery binge order from Beyond The Rack, which is one of those sneaky sites that lets you buy designer leftovers online. And they had a Betsey Johnson event. Danger.

So, seven pairs of legwear and 100$ later, there was nothing to do but wait. Until yesterday!

My mum, on the way to New York (again! So very jealous, right now. I got a text this morning that she had landed), dropped off my pieces, and I came home from work to a mini Christmas!

I'm not going to give away the whole game just yet, but I will tell you, I love the knee socks. I got them in two colours, and they're divine!

The purple and black ones are on me right now, and they look great with open toes. I'm actually wearing them with the same sandals I was wearing on Wednesday, still trying to give my toe some more air (note: I'm on the mend, the toe is healing quite nicely now), and, while I was concerned that the straps would conflict with the details on the socks, they look great!

Knee socks are a fabulous alternative to tights, but make sure that your skirt is long enough to support the bare thighs.

Also, while I was searching (read: shopping) for more knee socks that I can't live without, I may have fallen in love.

They're tattoo tights! I stumbled upon them by accident, but I'll save you all the trouble of fumbling about on Google. You can get them on Etsy, here!



  1. Those peacock tights are gorgeous! See, told you I'd make my way over here :) Yay for tights!

  2. i love looking at these designs, they're so beautiful and i can imagine you wearing those knee-high socks and totally rocking them. and oh wow! tattoo tights! they look so much more realistic then those tattoo arm sleeves....

  3. Thanks, loves! Mikal, I actually thought of your tattoo when I saw the peacock ones!!
